Monday, January 19, 2009

Topic of the Day ... Racism.

wow aint been on bloqqer for a min.! i quess life's jst been busy lately ;

anyways ; seeing as how today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, i thouqht i'd give a slice of my knowledqe on racism. some ppl think that jst because Barack Obama is qonna be president tomorrow [*HOLY SHXT.! YESSSSS !!] that means racism is qonna end altogether.

a black president won't chanqe ppl's views on differnt colored people, reqardless of how qood a job they do at runninq the country [hehe*] . =]
MLK worked hard in his life to qive colored ppl [not jst African Americans, but also hispanics and others] at least the freedom they have today.
"althouqh slaves have been freed lonnq ago ; they still are slaves ... in the mind."
-Tray from Don't Be a Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
i couldnt aqree more on that quote. jst think about it ; the KKK, skinheads, words like "niqqa", even what just happened very recently !
22 year old Oscar G. Grant III was killed by a police man for absolutly no fckinq reason. [theres a video on youtube that shows everythinq, i'm jst too lazy to put it up.] but yea the cops had him &' a bunch of other black doods on the qround, none of them were even fckinq resistinq. and out of nowhere a white cop jst shot the man in the head. you heard him right before he died sayinq "You shot me! I have a 4 year old daughter!" and then boom. even all the other white cops looked at dood like wtff.
shits fucking sad. RIP Oscar Grant. :(
as for the word "niqqa", nowadays its like sayinq a friend, an aquaitance, buddy, etc. but in reality, i thiink african americans jst tried to turn around an insult into a positive sayinq. but its just wrong, bcuz they qet mad when a white person tries to say it. i admit, even i say it, but its just messed up. so yea racism can come from both sides.
all in all, racism is never qonna end. it's the sad truth.

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