Friday, January 2, 2009

Topic Of The Day ... ME! =b

I thought that for my very first topic, I would tell people about myself. That way you can maybe understand stuff about me. haha, idk.. well here goes!

The Name: Eva Jasmin (no way am i giving you my last name! no sirrr. too many wackos out there lol)

The Cakeday: September the 23rd, '94. yup I came to bless this world on that day ;)
Ethnicity: 50% Mexican / 25% Cuban / 25% other stuff [I think German, French, and idk what else)
Siblings: Older bro Adan [15], little sis Marisol [1], and big sis [20]
Never met my big sis, don't even know her name.
Pets: 24 parakeets! lol yessahh you read that right. also a beta fish named Puffer
Residing in: Milltown Wiscansin bby.
Hates: ha! I could write a whole BLOG on this shit. anyways, some of the basic ones are ignorant people, taking my lip gloss without permission, animal testing or any kind of animal cruelty, loud burps, fur/leather, bad breath, umm thats all I can think of right now.
Loves: Dancing, bachata/hip-hop/rap/r&b/salsa/reggeton/any other Latin music, writing poetry, writing in general, animals, Barack Obama, mascara [especially Maybelline], eyeliner, the mall, money, sexxxy dresses, Mrs. Field's cookies *drool*, cheese pizza, chocolate milk, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, holidays, surprises, shoes, ghetto movies, reading, the Bernie Mac Show, ummmmm etc.! (i love alot of things!)

Don't ever think about stealing: MY MAIN MEN lol. they are T.I., Chris Brown, Tigger, and Elmo.
haha yessirr!

Other random shit:
--* I'm only 5'0 or 5'1, hence the reason why this blog's url is

--* I got OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]... I will get upset over the smallest things. I am constantly washing my hands or putting on hand sanitizer. I am waaayyy too concerned about germs, but I can't help it..
--* I don't know my real grandparents from my mom's side. My mom was adopted.
--* I am fucking WEIRD when it comes to shades/blinds. they CANNOT and WILL NOT be open if I am in the room when it's dark outside. I get this feeling that people can look in on me and see every move i make.
--* yes, if you were wondering from before, I can tell the difference between all my birds. :)
--* My parents are divorced, so my lil sis Marisol is only my half sister.

--* My dad use to be a major alcoholic.
--* I'm a really feminine and liberal person. Pro-choice about abortion, for gay marriage, think marijuana should be legal, think prostitution should be legal, etc. [and for the record, just because I'm for these things doesn't mean I would do them!!!]

--* I've been a vegetarian for 3 years.
--* I don't believe in God. I consider myself an Agnostic.

--* I visit Mexico every couple years during the summer to see my grandparents from my dad's side

--* I absolutly love love love learning weird or random statistics. Like, did you know a goldfish can't remember anything that happened more than 3 seconds ago? LMAO!

--* I always have to switch up my room. It can't be in the same arrangement for much more than like 2 months. I'm always re-arranging it and stuff.
--* Oh yeah, I guess I shoulda said this before, lol. . . I'm single and looking fellas!
--* I always wanted to go on the show "Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader" lol

..... ????? ha wow I really can't think of much else right now.
Oh well, you'll be able to figure out more about me as I post more blogs.


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