Saturday, January 24, 2009

Topic of the Day ... Why Men Are Happier

got this in an email from my cousin ;

Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures?
Your last name stays put.
The garage is all yours.
Wedding plans take care of themselves.
Chocolate is just another snack.
You can be President.
You can never be pregnant.
You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
You can wear NO shirt to a water park.
Car mechanics tell you the truth.
The world is your urinal.
You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one "is just too icky".
You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
Same work, more pay.
Wrinkles add character.
Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.
People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
You know stuff about tanks.
A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
You can open all your own jars.
You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
You almost never have strap problems in public.
You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
Everything on your face stays its original color.
The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
You only have to shave your face and neck.
You can play with toys all your life.
One wallet and one color for all seasons.
You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.
You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Topic of the Day ... BARACK OBAMA ! =]

soo today was inaguration day !
&' i was so happy ;
i wanted to cry ... tears of joy bby !
at school, they let us watch a little bit of it.
the actual "swearinq in" took all of 2 minutes,
but everyone was makinq speeches & whatnot.
I truly truly believe Barack Obama will brinq qreat chanqe to this county.

& i love the Obama family in qeneral.
I mean you can tell barack and his wife are truly in love ;
just watch their faces liqht up when they look at each other ...
awh. :)

anyways ; here's some good pix from today :

plus sasha and malia looked just adorableee.

... Today was a qreat day. I have a new boss. and his name is

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA -- my president is black !

YES WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Topic of the Day ... Racism.

wow aint been on bloqqer for a min.! i quess life's jst been busy lately ;

anyways ; seeing as how today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, i thouqht i'd give a slice of my knowledqe on racism. some ppl think that jst because Barack Obama is qonna be president tomorrow [*HOLY SHXT.! YESSSSS !!] that means racism is qonna end altogether.

a black president won't chanqe ppl's views on differnt colored people, reqardless of how qood a job they do at runninq the country [hehe*] . =]
MLK worked hard in his life to qive colored ppl [not jst African Americans, but also hispanics and others] at least the freedom they have today.
"althouqh slaves have been freed lonnq ago ; they still are slaves ... in the mind."
-Tray from Don't Be a Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood
i couldnt aqree more on that quote. jst think about it ; the KKK, skinheads, words like "niqqa", even what just happened very recently !
22 year old Oscar G. Grant III was killed by a police man for absolutly no fckinq reason. [theres a video on youtube that shows everythinq, i'm jst too lazy to put it up.] but yea the cops had him &' a bunch of other black doods on the qround, none of them were even fckinq resistinq. and out of nowhere a white cop jst shot the man in the head. you heard him right before he died sayinq "You shot me! I have a 4 year old daughter!" and then boom. even all the other white cops looked at dood like wtff.
shits fucking sad. RIP Oscar Grant. :(
as for the word "niqqa", nowadays its like sayinq a friend, an aquaitance, buddy, etc. but in reality, i thiink african americans jst tried to turn around an insult into a positive sayinq. but its just wrong, bcuz they qet mad when a white person tries to say it. i admit, even i say it, but its just messed up. so yea racism can come from both sides.
all in all, racism is never qonna end. it's the sad truth.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Topic Of The Day ... Men

It's only a month and two days until Valentine's Day, which means I only have a little bit of time to find me a man. [*lol] I'm extremely sick of spending every damn February 14th alone & single. It makes me depressed! Everyone else on this planet [it seems like] is in a relationship except me. ugh.

Then again, this brings me to the good old topic of LITTLE BOYS VS. MEN. It's come to my attention that almost every male student in 8th grade is nowhere near being mature enough to be a man. Or, if they are, they just plain ugly! lol. All the boys in my school are still cracking up over stupid fart jokes and whatnot. WTF. can you say "GROW UP?!"

anyways, thats one reason why I cant wait til highschool. boys there are at least a little closer to being civilized men than immature ass little boys. Not only the freshmans, but theres also everyone above us who might be willing to go out with meeeee ; sophmores, juniors, and [even tho i really doubt it] seniors.

hehehe ... ;)

Since pictures are worth a thousand words, here's just all that i want. :
aww ...!


well you get the poiint.



Saturday, January 10, 2009

Topic of the Day ... Brookfield Square Mall Shopping!

I went with Veronica, havent seen her in fricking ages. I took her shopping for her birthdayyyy =]

so yea ; here's the stuff i got :

1. A new vicky secrets bra [for me! lol]

2. A little body wash/moisterizer/body spray collection set for kiki [also from vicky secrets, in the juiced berry scent]

3. PJ's for kiki [from charlotte russe] .. umm, i can't find a pic for the top, but these are kinda like the bottoms, except hers are purple

4. Two books from Barne's and Noble, cuz i got a giftcard for xmas [for me! but kiki might borrow them, they look really good]

and I was mad cuz my ass wouldnt fit into some really cute ambercrombie jeans... ugh! white girls and their FLAT BOOTIES lol jk ;) but yeah, if they woulda fit I woulda definitelyy bought them ! I also woulda bought these REALLY fricking cute shoes from Baker's, except I didnt have enough money rawwrr

and now, but only money i have left is ;

$4.00 !

oops. lol. oh well!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Topic of the Day ... The Only Protection I'll Ever Need.

lmfao. jayy kayy ;]
(sidenote: that's not my gun. lol. I got it offa google images!*)
uhh idk what to write about today, so thats all for today lovies. =]
P.S. -- srry i didn't write yesterday. was too tired.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Topic Of The Day ... a letter to my father

Thank You, Daddy
Thank you for abandoning my older sister
Thank you for abusing my mother
Thank you for not being there
Thank you for all the birthdays you forgot
Thank you for calling me names
Thank you for being an alcoholic
Thank you for hitting me
Thank you for not being positively involved with me
Thank you for always cussing at my brother
Thank you for being racist
Thank you for ruining my life since I was about 5
Thank you for letting me down
Thank you for making me feel guilty
Thank you for denying all you've done
Thank you for making me depressed
Thank you for making me insecure
Thank you for being the reason I don't trust older men
Thank you for cheating on my mom
Thank you for making me & Adan feel like slaves
Thank you for being selfish
Thank you for believing I've forgotten everything
Thank you for ignoring all the good I've done
Thank you for making me cry
Thank you for also making me cry every Father's Day; since everyone else has a normal dad
Thank you for thinking everything's okay; it's not
Thank you for being the worst father you can be
Thank you for making my life a living hell
Thank you for everything you haven't done.
I just wanna say, Daddy, you aren't any father of mine. You're the only man who's broken my heart in my whole life. That said, thank you for that too.
Thank you.
WithOUT love,

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Topic Of The Day ... Spoiled ass teenagers.

While browzing through people's blogs today, I came across this one girl who said that one of her New Year's Resolutions was to reach 100 pairs of Nikes by December 2oo9. [[majorly smh*]]
What in the world?! shiit, i'd be ecstatic if I had even just 2 or 3 pairs of Nikes.
And on top of that, this girl went on to say that she already has 32 pairs.
People take sooooo much shit for granted. Don't they realize that there are people out there starving to death, just wondering if they're gonna be able to survive? And yet all these kids worry about nowadays are if they have the newest, hottest shoes ... the best hairstyles ... the freshest scents ... the coolest phones ... UGH!!
Don't get me wrong, I would like to have some of these things too. But it makes me so mad when ppl spend ALL their money on this, when all it is is materialistic shxt. They could spend that money on so much more useful things. Or, oh here's an idea! Maybe you could just save it. Nobody, I mean NOBODY, needs fuckin 100 pairs of damn Nikes.
Whew! Okay, I'm done ranting noww.
More tomorrow loviess =]

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Topic of the Day ... Game Spitters

Back in the day it was, "Ey mami, you looking good, how about you give me them digits so we can talk ...."

Nowadays its "Ey shawty...bitch...etc., when you funna come over so we can FUCK!"

WTF! Niggas done lost their fucking minds. That shit isn't attractive! It'll never work for your little dickass virgin minds, so you lil boys need to switch up the game... this bull is getting old.

Anyways, game dont work for me anyways. The only thing that will is a guy that is uber sweet :)

So yeah; the point is, you fellas need to change!


Friday, January 2, 2009

Topic Of The Day ... ME! =b

I thought that for my very first topic, I would tell people about myself. That way you can maybe understand stuff about me. haha, idk.. well here goes!

The Name: Eva Jasmin (no way am i giving you my last name! no sirrr. too many wackos out there lol)

The Cakeday: September the 23rd, '94. yup I came to bless this world on that day ;)
Ethnicity: 50% Mexican / 25% Cuban / 25% other stuff [I think German, French, and idk what else)
Siblings: Older bro Adan [15], little sis Marisol [1], and big sis [20]
Never met my big sis, don't even know her name.
Pets: 24 parakeets! lol yessahh you read that right. also a beta fish named Puffer
Residing in: Milltown Wiscansin bby.
Hates: ha! I could write a whole BLOG on this shit. anyways, some of the basic ones are ignorant people, taking my lip gloss without permission, animal testing or any kind of animal cruelty, loud burps, fur/leather, bad breath, umm thats all I can think of right now.
Loves: Dancing, bachata/hip-hop/rap/r&b/salsa/reggeton/any other Latin music, writing poetry, writing in general, animals, Barack Obama, mascara [especially Maybelline], eyeliner, the mall, money, sexxxy dresses, Mrs. Field's cookies *drool*, cheese pizza, chocolate milk, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, holidays, surprises, shoes, ghetto movies, reading, the Bernie Mac Show, ummmmm etc.! (i love alot of things!)

Don't ever think about stealing: MY MAIN MEN lol. they are T.I., Chris Brown, Tigger, and Elmo.
haha yessirr!

Other random shit:
--* I'm only 5'0 or 5'1, hence the reason why this blog's url is

--* I got OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]... I will get upset over the smallest things. I am constantly washing my hands or putting on hand sanitizer. I am waaayyy too concerned about germs, but I can't help it..
--* I don't know my real grandparents from my mom's side. My mom was adopted.
--* I am fucking WEIRD when it comes to shades/blinds. they CANNOT and WILL NOT be open if I am in the room when it's dark outside. I get this feeling that people can look in on me and see every move i make.
--* yes, if you were wondering from before, I can tell the difference between all my birds. :)
--* My parents are divorced, so my lil sis Marisol is only my half sister.

--* My dad use to be a major alcoholic.
--* I'm a really feminine and liberal person. Pro-choice about abortion, for gay marriage, think marijuana should be legal, think prostitution should be legal, etc. [and for the record, just because I'm for these things doesn't mean I would do them!!!]

--* I've been a vegetarian for 3 years.
--* I don't believe in God. I consider myself an Agnostic.

--* I visit Mexico every couple years during the summer to see my grandparents from my dad's side

--* I absolutly love love love learning weird or random statistics. Like, did you know a goldfish can't remember anything that happened more than 3 seconds ago? LMAO!

--* I always have to switch up my room. It can't be in the same arrangement for much more than like 2 months. I'm always re-arranging it and stuff.
--* Oh yeah, I guess I shoulda said this before, lol. . . I'm single and looking fellas!
--* I always wanted to go on the show "Are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader" lol

..... ????? ha wow I really can't think of much else right now.
Oh well, you'll be able to figure out more about me as I post more blogs.


First post!

Just so everyone knows, I'm Eva. :) [[pronounced EH-va thank you]] I made this blog for voicing my opinions on things that I can post publicly. I have another blog on here, buuuut ... thats personal. I'll only invite you to read it if i trust you 100%. sorry.

Anywhoo, yeah I'm gonna be writing a bunch of stuff here:

-- My views on important topics
-- My views on not-so-important topics
-- A little of whats been happening in my life, however not as personal as my other blog
-- MAYBE even some of my poetry [lucky you! lol]

So yeah, I'm looking forward to it! It's a brand new year, time to start off fresh.
Hopefully, I can start on this blog tomorrow [well technically, later today].

HAPPY 'o9 everyone!!!!!!!